Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This Is How I...

The past few days I have been spending a bunch of time with my site-mate Emily creating videos of everyday actions that we do in our town that have become so normal that we often think nothing of them. As I approach the one month left mark, I have been trying pondering different ways to represent my full service and remember everything that has become so ordinary, but which are all things that are important to my daily life. Once my routine changes I fear I will forget all of the little things. Whenever someone in the community asks me how much longer until I leave, they tell me not to forget ("gkom plet"), I respond my saying that I couldn't ever, that I don't know how to forget ("awt jeh plet dtay"). In order to make that statement true, I have consciously started to meticulously document everything that makes Cambodia, my host family and friends, co-workers and community unique. While there are some many similarities between people around the world, the unique differences and funny quirks about this little town easily passed by without a blink of an eye if you weren't looking for it on the way to the border or on to Siem Reap, are what make little SSSD (my abbreviation for security purposes) so special to me. There will be more videos to come. But here is a little sneak peek:
For more on our market check out Emily's blog post "In which I show you the wonders of the market..."
Besides the market, I will missing skipping across the street hand-in-hand with my 6-year-old neighbor Sokhane (whom I call my "songsaa" meaning sweetheart) to get him a 25 cent (1000 riel) hair cut from the barber in the corrugated metal shack. And biking north 3 km to visit a permaculture farm called very accurately the Happy Farm - with Sokhane sitting on the back of my bike giggling the whole way. I will miss the rain storms that roll in every afternoon like clockwork during wet season to effectively cool things down for 15 minutes before I start sweating just as vigorously as before. 

But I am not leaving yet. So the mushy posts can be postponed. In the meantime, let me recap most of the past month. 


World Map makers!
Kimsan stopped at Pouk market
 To celebrate the completion of the World Map, Em and I took 14 of the hearty World Map makers on a trip to the West Baray (reservoir about 20 km east of town) for lunch, hammock time and swimming. We all biked out to find that the water was quite low and shallow with quicksand like mud as far as we ventured out. It was quite a different experience than the last few times I have been there, but despite the lack of water, we all had a great time celebrating our success and the world!

blood pressure and temp on a tiny 10 year old
Ee doing check-ups
There is a World Vision office in my town that is funded through partners in Korea. They have targeted many of the villages under my catchment area and sponsor many youngsters for primary school. Every six months or so the staff teams up with the health center staff to conduct health check-ups for those kids enrolled in the program and I get to tag along, weigh and measure height, blood pressure, heart rate and temperature. I love doing outreach like this and spending time with the staff outside of the health center doing meaningful, substantial work.

My host family is being AWESOME. As always. But recent developments include: my host sister has started working at a midwife in the health center 5 km north of our home. She is super busy and I don't see her as much as I would like to, what with 24-hour duty every 3rd day, but she has said that she likes working with the other staff and was only scared of ghosts one night that she stayed over so far. It would have been great to have her work at the closer health center with me for 2 months, but we are well staffed in the midwife department, that is until one of the midwives gives birth to her first child, a boy!, in mid-August (unfortunately I will be gone by then...). Maybe then Ong will help fill in and be able to come home for lunch and spend more time with my host mom who will be very lonely soon because my host dad is away until November! A while back my host dad submitted an application to get more military police training in Vietnam and was selected along with 5 other colleagues. He left on Saturday, with a limited knowledge of Vietnamese, and has already called once to say he arrived. But at least for the next month and a half I think my host mom will be a bit busy as she is studying for her 12th grade exams. Mai ("mom" in Khmer) was about 9 years old when the Khmer Rouge. She completed 5th grade before then and did not return to school to get her 9th grade certificate until the mid to late 80s. At that point, she studied at a vocational school - primary teacher training center (PTTC) - and was certified to teacher 3rd - 6th grades. When the civil war began in the early to mid 90s, Mai was married with two young kids (Ong and Aleak). She continued to teach when it was safe. Now with her kids fully grown, Mai decided to finish high school so that she would be able to get a higher salary and possibly teach higher grades. I am so proud of her and will wish on my lucky stars for her to pass her finals early in August. Such perseverance! ... This family has been so good to me. It will be hard to leave. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess.
host mom working hard grading in the background while we color :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Days of Future Past

On a recent trip to Phnom Penh, I ran into some folks headed to see the new X-Men movie. Despite not having seen any of the films outside of the major three, I decided to tag along and have a bit of a blast from the past to my middle school days. (Note: supposedly the film company in charge of the franchise has to come out with another movie ever 2 or 3 years in order to not give up the rights to the franchise. Hence the good, bad, and the ugly.) 

So why am I writing about an extremely American movie franchise (there were Khmer subtitles... some things just don't translate...) when my close of service is fast approaching, you ask? Good question.

For starters: X-Men: Days of Future Past, as evidenced by the title, revolves around the idea of going back in time and making different decisions to affect the future. Not your simple time-travel as Ellen Page pulls some Inception-type antics. But when it comes down to it, having a link to the future (and knowing that the world with devolve into war with transformer morphing enemy type killer robots - more on that later) helps one make "better" decisions for the greater good. Would I make different decisions looking back? Whatever happened to "no regrets" and "make do with what you have"? Is there anything I can do in the present to rewrite a better future instead of focusing on what I should have/could have/would have done? Because at the end of the day, I can't get back those days of past and I don't have the power to send my future self back in time. And if I could, would I? It's hard to say. As I look back on my service there is plenty that I would do differently. But if I had I would not have the unique perspective I have at this current moment in time. Maybe I could have studied more Khmer, visited that bong srey down the street more, pushed my projects more, etc. MORE, MORE, MORE. And there it is, I am slipping back into the mentality that I could have/should have done more. That I am not enough. BUT I did what I did. I gave what I could at that time. And that is enough. Because I don't have the power to change the past. The decisions I made in the past (maybe not as extreme as J-Law in blue body paint assassinating a man trying to rid the world of mutants, read: a different race) happened and I must reflect on and learn from those decisions to create a future of which I only really at any point in time have a fuzzy image. As this "Nothing to Envy" article from Yoga Journal reminds: "you lack nothing, because you are, at your deepest core, part of a vast field of energy that contains, potentially, everything you could ever want or need."

Now back to the transformer-morphing killer robots. They were used to destroy the X-men, sure, but that type of technology (gained from exploiting Mystique's genetic make-up) emphasizes the broader notion of adaption. If you haven't seen the movie (spoiler alert: it in essence renders all other X-Men prior to it irrelevant), these robots react to the situations they enter, reading the strengths and weaknesses of their opponent and then morph into the element that causes most destruction. Ex. fight with Iceman, robot turns into fire and melts Iceman. This ability is an important skill in an ever-changing world. While here, I have had to adapt to different situations, adjust and accept to cultural norms, and become a different version of myself. At the beginning this was a defense mechanism, protective layer, immersion strategy, etc. but as I became more comfortable I was able to morph back into the "real me" - like Mystique, except not so blue, scaly and naked...

The theme of adaptation and change isn't limited to the killer robots. The Professor sacrifices the use of his legs to "stand up" and regain his powers. Magnito's character struggles to find the balance between using your powers to destroy or rebuild; bringing up the questions, can we change? or can we be changed from without? Then there's the whole JFK bullet conspiracy theory and that he was a mutant (changing history), and the themes of prejudice, war and genocide. But what really hit home was even if we can't get a glimpse into the future or back to the past, and as change is inevitable, we must always have hope. 

There are plenty of other things to be said about the movie and the franchise, but these have been my musings on what I gleaned as lessons and messages related to my time here with PC. While others (like Wolverine) can be the messengers and inspire us (like the younger version of the Professor) to be our "true" or "best" selves, who we will become and what we will do really comes from within and it takes time and is shaped by experiences, challenges, obstacles, etc. At our greatest moments we may be surrounded by a team of support (fellow X-Men), but there will be no magical powers to change the past (no Ellen Page, most likely. We must build upon our past and present - we cannot rewrite the past. And remember to always have hope. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Closing Time

I still have 2 months in Cambodia, but with all the pressure to wrap things up, I feel like singing this 1998 classic by Semisonic. Not really pressure, just a sense of approaching finality. Mainly since our close of service (COS) conference (although PC likes to call it the "continuation" of service conference since we are expected to bring our country of service back with us, figuratively, and share) was last month...

The ones still standing. For more info/cool stats check out my friend Evan's blog post "By the numbers - Peace Corps Cambodia K6 Volunteers."
And then there's me.
...and the vast majority of the education volunteers (refresher: there are two programs here in Cambodia, English teaching and health) will be flying out in just one month's time. See Kelly's "The End is Near" post that explains a lot of the conflicting emotions and expectations that come with "coming home." (I will be sure to write a similar post sooner to departure.) But don't let me get ahead of myself. There is still much to be done. And since I didn't post about the last month's happening, allow me to entertain you.


I did a bit of vacationing and was away from site for a good chunk of May, between a yoga & meditation retreat, COS conference, a SCUBA trip on the Gulf of Thailand, visiting my training host family, a final GenEq committee meeting, an Ultimate tournament, and a trip to visit a nearby "mountain," Phnom Kulen.

Bohitree Yoga Center gang
Morning meditation
bat sunset exodus - Phnom Sampeau, Batambang
Ochres 2 Beach, Kampong Som
Where there be monsters...
Koh Tang bound!
SCUBA fun!
Phnom Kulen with Voleak
Diamond Island Warriors Team hundle
Warriors come out to play!

Cramming a bunch of unused Annual Leave (AL) days before it was too late to use them.
As much as it was nice to have a break from site and recharge before gearing up for the final months, the travel itself was quite exhausting. It is nice to be back and to see how the nutrition project is progressing...

It is good to be home with these hoodlums!
Being oh so PC at the HC.

Vitamin A Vaccination runs with Heang.
Enriched bobor feeding session.


As with any adventure into the unknown there are bound to be some ups and downs. This is just the case with the nutrition project. One of the vendors, the wonderful Bong Samy has been selling the enriched bobor alongside the other rice porridge for over 45 days! On the best day, she had 12 buyers on the worst there were 3. It is still gaining traction and I am hopefully that it will continue to be (what I think is successful) for the next 2 months and then that she will decide that it is worth it to continue. Only time will tell. Right now is a hard time to be selling anything in our area because of an uptick in the number of people (including parents with children under 2 - the target population) who have migrated to Thailand for work. While the financial benefit can be seen by the increase in large homes being built (many of which then become vacant for the better half of the year, but alas is a symbol of wealth and status...), it is hard to see such a toil on the community at large. Many children are left behind under the care of lovely (yet set in their ways) grandparents. Additionally, rice planting and soon transplanting season is upon us, which means that many people are busy in the fields. In sum, business can be slow these days. And because of that, one of my vendors has pulled out of the project completely. It was a disappointment especially since there is such need in the area in which she was selling, but if you don't have the seller buy-in what can you do? On the flipside, the one VHV involved, Om Ruin (the 3rd and final seller who has a stand across the street from the health center) began selling finally on Friday! It is too soon to tell how that will go, but we are optimistic.