Being a Kid Again

(This was written by fellow PCV Lauren and I have permission to re-post since I think it really speaks to the experience of being in a new place and struggling to speak the language, but having a sense of humor about it all... I hope to write my own version soon.) 

Top 10 reasons why being in Cambodia has turned me into a 5-year old:

10. My best friend is 6. We color together everyday, play outside and look at picture books. She is teaching me how to do laundry.

9. I am learning my ABCs … a.k.a my gaw, caw, go’s

8. People clap and cheer when I say words like “dog,” “heavy” and “breakfast”

7. I need an adult to help me cross the street

6. I had to relearn how to use the bathroom … I think I get it now.

5. Adults keep trying to make me eat things that look funny to me. I crave doritos, mac n cheese and chicken mcnuggets

4. I watch TV with adults to fit in. I laugh when they laugh to make them think I understand … but I don’t.

3. My favorite TV show is “Hole in the Wall” because I understand what the hell is happening … there’s blue people and red people and they go through a hole in the wall … it’s awesome.

2. Not only is it completely acceptable to talk about poo, it actually confers a fair bit of social capital.

1. My Khmer vocabulary allows me to discuss the ins and outs of candy, colors and fruit that I like, as well as those that I don’t like. My best friend and I have spent hours on the nuances of grapefruits vs. oranges. Don’t even get me started on the topic of the banana.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meghan! It's Nick! Great website I've been reading it every week!
