Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have been thinking a lot recently about what support is and what the word has meant to me this past year. Dictionary definitions include such things as “to endure bravely or quietly;” “to promote interests or causes of - to advocate;” “to assist or help;” “to hold up or prop up;” “to comfort;” and “to keep something going.” In so many ways every one of these definitions sum up my PC service thus far. (Financial support and the idea of incentives and development work will be left for a later post as that is a whole nother can of worms. Physical support was covered a bit in my discussion of the medical service PC provided for me when I had dengue. Here let me instead focus on emotional support for which this post will only scratch the surface.)

To endure bravely or quietly - definitely how I started out last September at site. 

I was shy, unsure, reserved, and hyper-aware of how I might be perceived by everyone in my community by my smallest of actions. I endured the constant yells of “hello!” (often from kids way off in the distance) with gritted teeth. I was THE barang (literally French because of the strong past French influence, but which now has become the term for any foreigner who does not seem to pass for Khmer or Asian). Often THE crazy running barang who knew a little Khmer. A year later I have settled in and feel as though I can express more of my personality within the bounds of my limited language ability. I know that as much as I try to fit in I will always stick out, but I no longer endure, I embrace it.

The crazy barang jumping rope and exercising.
The crazy barang riding a water buffalo.

To promote interests or causes of - to advocate - this is my job. 

As a Community Health Educator (CHE), on the daily I advocate for better health practices and behaviors. I encourage people to go to the health center; I feel like a broken record with the hand-washing reminders for the kiddies and explaining the benefits of exercise as I run by the gaping mouths at the road side stalls; I help translate medicine instructions and explain the whys of healthy nutrition because I believe in informing and advocating for patients.
Working alongside the pharmacist at the HC.
Teaching about the female body.

Teaching about nutrition at my friend Sokphea's house.

To assist or help - I would like to think that I have been doing this all along...

but I think more likely that there are so many more people who have continuously reached out a hand to help me out. These people range from the VHVs who help step up education sessions in the village, my neighbor Phoumy (17 year old girl) who patiently explains concepts and answers all and any questions I may have, the PC Program Staff who respond to my numerous emails, my host cousins Srey Ny (11 year old girl) and Nam Hong (9 year old boy) who are eager to cook tacos and pasta with me, my tutor Bunsean who laughs at my jokes since he is one of the only fluent English speakers around, the list goes on.
My friend and neighbor, Phmouy, helping prepare food for a party.
(L to R) Nam Hong, Ahouy, Srey Ny, and Nooan enjoying some pasta. 
An Thy - my CHE program manager at swear-in.

To hold up or prop up - this applies to my friends and family back home...

who email, video chat, and send snail mail. They are the people who reach out just because. The ones that offer an encourage word and say they are proud of me. They know who they are. They are the ones who I think about as I am falling asleep, whose smiles and laughter and energy I channel when I hear that I am big/fat for the umpteenth time.
Some fans back home :)

To comfort - I feel lucky to count myself among the likes of other PCVs. 

These are individuals who left behind home to set down roots in another country for 2 years with the sole expectation of making a difference. These idealistic types are who I have leaned on and friends who have been eager to comfort for they are well aware that for any low that I may have that they can help me through I will be there in the future to offer the same right back. It is reciprocal and it is ongoing.
The K6 group upon arrival

To keep something going - the sun that rises everyday, a new set of challenges unseen,

and the knowledge that there is always more to be done. You can’t do everything, but you must do something…So as I look ahead to this next year - a year, which the fortune teller (nek merl gkruu) whom I saw with my friend Danet yesterday for 75 cents, said in essence would be my best yet… - I am thankful for all the support that I have had. Support which has thus enabled me to offer support to others in my community and beyond. A wonderful, beautiful gaa jom newee cycle. 


  1. Meghan, you write so beautifully and thoughtfully. Thank you for this post. I'm proud to know you and to know that you are being of service in CMB. Most people can't do this kind of work which makes YOU all the more gifted. XO Buffy
    PS. Do you like Rice Krispie Treats? Hmmm?

    1. Oh Buffy I am so glad you enjoyed reading and thank you for your kind words!
      P.S. I think the real question is "who DOESN'T like Rice Krispies???"
